How to resolve connection timeout issue in Kubernetes IngressWhen building infrastructure at scale and you have to handle billions of data, there are a lot of places where we need to optimize it, for…Aug 26, 2023Aug 26, 2023
Terraform remote state backup with Digital Ocean SpacesWe all are so used to AWS nowadays, so terraform decides to make it a default to use AWS as terraform backup backend. Not everyone uses AWS…Jan 8, 20231Jan 8, 20231
Multi-regional Infrastructure deployment on Kubernetes with Docker, Jenkins, and GitHubI am working for a tech company for the last 2 years and our team goal was to make our whole infrastructure handle a minimum of 200–400…Sep 9, 2021Sep 9, 2021
Horizontally Scaling NoSQL data across multiple servers with MongoDB sharded clustering for High…When we start dealing with too much data our current system can handle we have 2 options, scale horizontally or Vertically. Vertically…Nov 28, 2020Nov 28, 2020
Setting up a replica cluster with MongoDB 4.2I’ve been working with a very optimization hungry application that handles a huge amount of important ( 50 billion read and writes ) data…Nov 28, 2020Nov 28, 2020
Building a Laravel like service container in Go in 10 minutesI’ve worked on a project that needs to be written in Golang for various reasons. but our discussion is how we would write a simple yet…Jun 13, 2020Jun 13, 2020
আচ্ছা ভাই, টিউটোরিয়াল দেখে কিছু বুঝিনা, কিভাবে বুঝবো টিউটোরিয়াল থেকে?যারা প্রথমে প্রোগ্রামিং শিখতে চান তারা অনেক উচ্চাখাঙ্খা নিয়ে শুরু করেন , কেউ টিউটোরিয়াল দেখে , কেউ বা বই পড়ে । কিন্তু বিগিনার লেভেলে প্রায়…Mar 14, 2018Mar 14, 2018
The Story of Struggles: 2017 EditionFrom a distance, it may seem like 2017 was probably not one of the best years in my life. Due to stress and workload, my academics got hit…Jul 11, 2017Jul 11, 2017
Why Generating PDF in Backend is a bad idea!Generating PDF for balance sheets is a common thing, but it becomes painful for developers to generate a pdf with a proper unicode support…Jul 5, 2017Jul 5, 2017
Installing Matplotlib with python 3.4 and pipIn recent times people are having problem with installing matplotlib using pip with python 3.4Sep 7, 20161Sep 7, 20161